One week ago I experiencing an interesting event to share to you, its my journey to Malaysia and Singapore. More precisely it is Journey to Malaysia to competiting in International Oil and Gas Symposium. With 17 other delegates from Institute of Technology Bandung, I went there. 10 people of the delegates including me were competiting on Oil Rig Design Competition. There were two teams: ARNAWATALA OIL RIG team and RAFFLES OIL RIG team. So on this post I want to share about the Oil Rig Design Competition that held on Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. By the way, I must tell you that UTM and the event's comittee were very nice to us. Everything wei need was fulfilled by them. The dormitory was very nice, cozy place to rest and relax. But in this post I particulary want to share about the competition day, sight looking about all finalist's fabulous rigs.You must be amazed to see them :D. So here are some photo of them: The first and the most fabulous oil rig platform is THE ARNAWATALA OIL RIG, which represent the honeycomb. Why I say it is the fabulous? Because it is ours! And we are very proud of it. Despite of we didn't get any achievement there. Our RIG is (in my opinion) the strongest rig there, even though the weight is becoming greater too. Let me tell a little about all RIG there:
The type of the rig is semi submersible platform which use pontoon to maintain the stability. The green structure below is the pontoon that support the rig. Our rig uses dual drilling activity (which usually called the ram rig)with the latest drilling techology. So how is it? Beautiful lah ya. (Lot of malaysian use 'LAH' affix in their sentence) And there are others team's rig:
This is one of Singaporean's:
This is Indonesian RIG from UPN Veteran Jakarta, you can notice the WAYANG there. It is Indonesian's authentic culture:
This is RAFFLES OIL RIG, the 1st winner of the OIL RIG DESIGN COMPETITION. Both RAFFLES and ARNAWATALA are fabulous I think, but RAFFLES likely to be champion because it was the best of the best. Its weight is very light compared to us. So all of them are beautiful right?
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